announcing perch: a web design and development shop
this little blog has been pretty quiet over the last couple of months. the neglect it suffered was for a just cause, i’m glad to report. i’ve spent nearly every waking moment the last few months on a new adventure that i’m glad to finally be able to talk publicly about.
i’m excited to announce perch—a web design and development shop that my partner, joseph yancey, and i have started. in february, we decided to put a little more form and structure around the freelance projects we’d been working on and we took steps to officially form our business. much more quickly than what we could’ve imagined, our little hobby turned into quite the thriving side business, to the point that we’ve had to be choosy about which projects to take on. certainly, it’s been a good problem.
with the growth, we knew it would be wise to become more public with our ventures. so today, we’re publicly launching our new perch website and officially announcing the formation of our new design and development shop.
since february, we’ve been fortunate to work with a handful really great clients. we’ve been able to produce some work we’re really proud of and soon, on our site, you’ll be able to see the fruits of our labor up to this point. (currently, we just have a list of a handful of our clients. we pinky promise to show some work soon.)
if you’re reading this post, then at minimum, you’re a friend of this blog. many more of you, though, are friends in real life and i’d like to humbly ask for your help. once you take a look at our site and familiarize yourself with us a bit, we’d love for you to share our website — on twitter, facebook, your own blog, with a friend/coworker/random stranger. further, we’d love to work with you! if you (or someone you know) needs a website, web app or anything that’s shiny on the interwebs, we might just be the design shop you’re looking for.
so friends, thanks for taking the time to read and check out our website. i’m excited to finally share the news with you. we look forward to making ______________ things for the web.*
*fill in the blank at perch.is
p.s. we’d love for you to keep up with our adventures by following us on twitter or liking us on facebook.