NxNE: a mix for new england & beyond
this morning at the ungodly hour of 5 a.m., i boarded a plan and headed to the great northeast for a week split between boston and new york. i’m headed there for perch purposes, but i’ll get a chance for some play in the midst of a week of work.
as i like to do when i travel, i’ve put together a mix. mostly, these are for myself as i travel and explore the respective cities i’m in. these mixes are always comprised of music from that city or that region and this mix is no different. initially, i set out to do artists from the new england area and then sprinkle in some NYC artists. but…not surprisingly, this turned into a mix highly slanted in the direction of NYC. let’s face it, how many great bands do you know from new hampshire and rhode island? (sorry, NH and RI…)
so without further ado, here’s the lineup for my northeast music mix:
- 1. elbow: new york morning
2. paul simon: the werewolf
3. chairlift: ch-ching
4. wu-tang clan: gravel pit
5. sleigh bells: it’s just us now
6. ra ra riot: every time i’m ready to hug
7. vampire weekend: unbelievers
8. beastie boys: electrify
9. dirty projectors: about to die
10. jay-z: heaven
11. matt & kim: let’s run away
12. aerosmith: ain’t that a bitch
13. ms mr: salty sweet
14. fiona apple: werewolf
15. nas: bridging the gap
16. phantogram: cruel world
17. julia nunes: maybe i will
18. samantha crain & the midnight shivers: devil’s in boston
19. lucius: what we have (to change)
20. notorious b.i.g.: long kiss goodnight
get your download on, folks.